Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Our 1st Service - Easter 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Our 1st service!

We had our 1st service today on easter sunday. It was a success, with some interesting happenings. We had about 25-30 people in attendance. Our Superstar Musician and good friend Tony had an accident where his fingertips got sliced up pretty badly 5 minutes before our gathering began. Our teaching pastor, Vince Larson, who was also preaching today had to pinch-hit and do the music as well. he tried his best (God bless him). The sermon was great. Vince spoke on Grace and titled his sermon "Open Bar, It’s on the House," which was fitting because we were in a bar/ nightclub. the feeling and energy in the place was great! we had people from 5-55 years old in attendance from every walk of life. Various ethnic backgrounds, various walks of life. Our good friends from Invisible Children graced us with their presence and set up a table about their cause, for which we feel a great burden. Thanks Lisa! All in all today was a success. This Wed, we begin a new 6-week series entitled "They like Jesus, but not the church." Next Sunday, we are throwing a Big FREE Community BBQ. Pray for us that God will use us to bring many people to the truth of Who God is, what he’s done for us, and how that can change our lives! God Bless! -The Anchor Church

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